Fraud FAQs

  • Where can I buy authentic BloomChic products?
  • You can purchase authentic BloomChic products from our official website,, as well as our authorized regional sites: for UK customers and for Australian customers. These are the only official websites for genuine BloomChic items. You can also shop conveniently through the BloomChic app.

  • How can I report a potentially fraudulent website to BloomChic?
  • We take fraudulent websites very seriously and are committed to protecting our customers. If you encounter a suspicious website, please report it immediately by contacting: (for US and global customers) (for UK customers) (for Australian customers)
    Our team will promptly investigate and take appropriate action to safeguard our customers.

  •  Oh no! I think I've been scammed by a fraudulent website impersonating BloomChic. What can I do?
  • If you have already made a purchase from a fraudulent website, we recommend taking the following steps to recover your funds:
    Contact your bank or credit card company and request a chargeback for the transaction.
    Provide evidence that you did not receive the product or service you paid for. If you paid using PayPal, file a dispute through their resolution center.
    Report the fraudulent website to us immediately.

  • How can I protect myself from future scams?

You should always triple-check the sites you shop on by looking for credentials like contact information, customer service details, press links, and an "About Us" page.
With us, the easiest way to triple-check is to confirm that you’re on our official website before you click “pay now” at checkout.
It's a crazy world out there! Please use your best judgment.